The Bridge Church

In and around St Ives, Cambridgeshire


SAFARI SUPPER – This Sat.Please be at your starter venue by 6.30pm
THE BRIDGE COMMUNITY COLOUR AND COFFEE – Fri 17th. 10am. All welcome for a relaxing morning of colouring and getting to know new friends!
CELL LEADER’S MEETING – Tues 21st 8pm.
IMMENSE BREAKFAST – Sat 25th 8.30am. For all the men in the church. Please let Marcus or Ben know you are going.
MEN’S CURRY NIGHT – Tues 28th 7.30pm. Please invite your friends to come along and enjoy a curry and hear about Jesus!


ENOUGH PRAYER MEETING – Fri 21st June 6pm. This meeting is being hosted by us! The date of the monthly prayer meeting in June has been changed from Thurs 27th to Fri 21st so we can all join together for corporate prayer! Please make a note in your diary!

PARENTING COURSE – Starting Thurs 6th June 7.30 to 9.30pm.
A six week course for all parents of children under 12 based on Christian principles but suitable for people outside the church so invite your friends! Cost £5.00. For more information or to register email
THE BRIDGE COMMUNITY GARDEN PARTY – 20th July 3 to 6pm. More details to follow.

PRAYER REQUEST – from Anstey.
My brother Jevan has skin cancer and has had 2 operations in the last year to remove lumps from his leg. He is now receiving immune therapy (very new treatment on the NHS) for the cancer in his leg and some which has appeared in his liver. He has been on the therapy for 3 months. This week he is having scans and the results will be the first time doctors can see how the drugs are working. The results will not be conclusive but will be a strong indicator of whether the drugs are working to hold the cancer at bay or reducing it.
Please pray for healing to his body and that the results will be good news. Jevan and his wife Clare are Christians. If you would like to know more details please get in touch with me. Thanks. Anstey.

The Bridge Church