We had some more great testimonies at the prayer meeting Wednesday night, God is doing and has done some incredible things. It is so important that we acknowledge all He has done for us and give all the glory back to Him and so to help us do this we have created a page on our church website where we can share our ‘God Stories’.
Please take a look https://www.thebridgechurch.co.uk/our-god-stories/
If you have the church app you can also receive notifications every time a new God story is posted – just what you need to encourage you during a busy day. You will find the God Stories under ‘News’ on the app.
If you have any testimonies you would like to share please email Becky at becky_richards@ntlworld.com
Please keep your God stories coming so we can give Him all the glory!
Yours in Christ
Barry and Becky
The Bridge Church