Welcome to the Bridge Church App. We hope you enjoy it.
To register please email: barrychiesa@thebridgechurch.co.uk
You will then receive an email with your username and password. This should be input on the address list tab. You will then be able to change your password to something more memorable by logging out and choosing the ‘forgot password’ option.
The system will then email you back with a link which when clicked will open a form for you to fill out to reset your password immediately.
If there is any content that you notice that is incorrect, (telephone numbers, addresses, etc), please email barrychiesa@thebridgechurch.co.uk and I will make the corrections.
Should you wish to include an item of news or have a prayer request that you would like to include in the app the please email: office@thebridgechurch.co.uk
We hope you enjoy the app
All blessings